It's by Baby the Stars Shine Bright, a Japanese Lolita brand. Can't remember the exact name of the dress though, but it's just MMM delicious. BTSSB is notoriously pricey though, so I'd probably have to settle for something else.
I also like these vintage army boots:

I like lace-up boots in general but those look so comfy, I think I prefer a flexible/comfy leather than a stiff kind of boot. I remember seeing ones like those in a shop called Izzue when I was in HK but they seemed to be display only, not for sale. They seem practical for creepin' around but also totally Rock n' Roll and kinda badass.
I've also been trying to find Oxford shoes in op shops. I saw some that seemed perfect but they were quickly snapped up >.<; the problem that comes with op shop shoes as well is that sometimes they aren't very clean, I've seen some that had what looked like gum mixed with food on the bottom (yuck!)